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Tag Archives: lifestyle

Why do diabetics need to see a dentist?

Why do diabetics need to see a dentist? Diabetic patients, especially those who have poor blood sugar control, are not only at risk of eye, kidney, heart, and foot problems, but also have an increased risk of oral problems. On the other hand, people who

Benefits of petroleum jelly.

Most people use petroleum jelly to nourish dry lips and skin. But the properties of creating moisture and locking water in the skin can be applied to other parts of the body as well, such as Use to nourish hair to reduce the problem of dry,

What is sun protection or SPF?

The SPF (Sun-Protection Factor) value is Numbers used to indicate the level of skin protection from the sun. The different numbers are based on how much more protection from UVB rays is than normal. However, SPF does not show how effective it is at protecting body

How to buy sunscreen?

Sunscreen is a substance that protects the skin from ultraviolet rays or UV rays (Ultraviolet Radiation: UV) by helping the skin not be damaged by sunlight until it burns or cause various dark spots in body. Choosing to buy sunscreen or products that protect from the